























Give Thanks to Allah CurrentIssues.Tv

All Islamic queries answered:-

www.islamqa.com (best site for authentic questions & answers related to Islam) containing more than 70,000 questions answers
1) www.islamhelpline.com
2) www.islamonline.net/english/index.shtml
3) www.justaskislam.com
4) www.efatwa.com or http://fatwa-online.com

http://www.islamiconlineuniversity.com/ (**register for free or paid islamic courses. Excellent site**)

Answering allegations against Islam

1) www.answering-christianity.com/ac.htm (leave his personal knowledge of hadith understanding)
2) www.answering-faithfreedom.org (currently not working)
3) www.call-to-monotheism.com
4) www.muslim-responses.com (A good one)
5) www.examinethetruth.com
6) www.truthisproven.blogspot.com
7) www.faithfreedom.com
8) www.bismikaallahuma.org
9) http://theinimitablequran.com/ (*Excellent site shows y quran can't be challenged*)
10) http://islamlife.com/religion2/articles/rebuttals-on-attakcs-on-islam
11) www.islaminfo.com/index.php
12) www.shabirally.com/ (Shabir Ally website)
13) www.quranspeaks.com/main/index.php (Under construction, Shabbir Ally site)
14) www.irf.net/irf/faqonislam/index.htm (Zakir Naik website)
15) www.islamdenouncesterrorism.com/
16) www.islamic-awareness.org
17) www.islamlife.com
18) www.islam101.com/terror/
19) www.islamophobia.org/news.php
20) www.muslimaccess.com
21) www.islam101.com/terror/
22) www.invitationtothetruth.com
23) www.load-islam.com/artical_det.php?artical_id=414
24) http://irefworld.net/Data/Religion/home.htm (Imran website, hyderabad)
25) http://peacepropagation.com/ (Engineer Imran website, hyderabad)
26) www.miraclesofthequran.com (**excellent website**)
27) www.afi.org.uk/ (currently not working)
28) www.muslim-answers.org/ (not working)
29) www.ahmed-deedat.co.za/ (Ahmed Deedat official site)
30) http://islam.thetruecall.com/or www.thetruecall.com
31)http://www.systemoflife.com/ (recommended)

Dawah to Christians

1) http://www.bibleislam.com/
2) http://www.911bible.com/
3) http://www.evilbible.com
4) http://www.apostleofdoom.com/ (Exposing Paul)
5) http://www.cambridgemuslims.info/Islam/CMD.htm

Dawah to Hindus

1) http://islamandhinduism.com/
2) http://www.islam101.com/religions/hinduism/Mhs.htm
3) http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4229/ind.html
4) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mukto-mona/message/589
Explaining Islam to Atheists

Dawah to Jews


Dawah websites & groups

1) http://calltoislam.com (Luton dawah centre, UK)
2) http://www.miraclesofislam.com/
3) http://www.jamaat.net/deedat.htm (Ahmed deedat)
4) http://www.islam-guide.com
5) http://discover.islamway.com
6) http://www.discoverislam.com
7) http://www.elnaggarzr.com/Test_fre/English/index_E.asp (Miracles of Quran Dr. Zaghloul Elnaggar)
8) http://www.discoverislam.co.in/ (DIET, Bangalore)
9) http://islamantiterrorism.com/ (Arshad Basheer, Hyd)
10) http://irefworld.net/Data/Religion/home.htm (Imran website, hyderabad)
11) http://peacepropagation.com/ (Engineer Imran website, hyderabad)
12) www.miraclesofthequran.com (**excellent website**)
13) www.ahmed-deedat.co.za/ (Ahmed Deedat official site
14) http://theinimitablequran.com/ (*Excellent site shows y quran can't be challenged*)
15) http://www.shabirally.com/ (Shabir Ally website)
16) http://www.irf.net/irf/faqonislam/index.htm (Zakir Naik website)
17) http://www.gainpeace.com/
18) http://www.leveltruth.com
19) www.irfdawah.com

For New Muslims & Non muslims

1) http://www.convertstoislam.org/
2) http://www.islamworld.net/
3) http://www.beconvinced.com/archive/en/main.php
4) http://www.islam-presentation.com/ (basics of islam in good presentation style)

Seerah of prophet

1) http://mohammed.islamway.com/
2) http://www.muhammadatoz.com/
3) http://www.witness-pioneer.org/vil/Books/SM_tsn/index.htm (Sealed Nectar)
4) http://mohammad-pbuh.com
5) http://www.islamway.com/mohammad
6) http://www.witness-pioneer.org/vil/Articles/sunnah/message_of_the_prophets_seerat.htm
7) http://www.muhammad.net/biographies-mainmenu-38/23-short-biographies-and-commentaries/56-the-life-of-prophet-muhammad-by-mohammed-marmaduke-pickthall.html
8) http://www.muhammad.net .

About Prophet Muhammed (saw) and proof from other scriptures:.

1) www.muslimaccess.com/islamic_resources/muslim_christian_dialogue.htm#Baptizing
2) www.theprophetmuhammad.org/life.html (Life of Prophet Muhammad pbuh)
3) www.al-islam.org/inquiries/18.html (Prophet Muhammad pbuh in the bible)
4) www.muhammad.net/biblelp/index.htm (Muhammad pbuh in old and new testament)
5) www.prophetofislam.com/

Quran & ahadith

http://www.searchtruth.com/hadith_books.php (READ COMPLETE SAHIH MUSLIM SAHIH BUKHARI and more)

1) http://www.allahsquran.com/all_about_the_quran.php (Highly recommended)
2) http://quranflash.com/en/index.html#
3) http://www.answering-christianity.com/quran_search.htm (dozen translations)
4) http://quran.noble.googlepages.com/ (get Quranic ayaths with your messenger now)
5) http://www.theholyquran.org/ (Quran in various languages)
6) http://islam.thetruecall.com/modules.php?name=Quran
7) http://www.muttaqun.com/quran/index.html
8) http://www.uh.edu/campus/msa/
9) http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/
10) http://www.islamicpulse.com/quran/quran_translation_saheeh_international
11) http://www.thenoblequran.com/sps/nbq/
12) http://www.sahihalbukhari.com/sps/smm/
13) http://www.sahihmuslim.com/sps/smm/

Quran Tafsir:

www.qtafsir.com and www.tafsir.com (Ibn Kathir) most authentic
www.tafheem.net (Maududi)

Quranic recitations

1) http://www.islamhouse.com/pg/9661/quran/1 (32 recitations)
2) http://www.bathislamicsociety.org/english.html
3) http://www.quranexplorer.com/quran/
4) http://www.islambasics.com/view.php?bkID=120
5) http://www.islamradio.com
6) http://www.all-quran.org or .com or .net (30+ reciters)
7) http://mp3quran.net/eng/

Islamic channels


1) http://www.guideus.tv/
2) islambox.tv or http://www.shamelive.fr.gd/ShareIslam-TV.htm
3) peacetv.tv
4) http://www.huda.tv/streaming.html

Islamic audio & videos

1) www.tubeislam.com or www.islamyoutube.com (watch/download videos)
2) www.watchislam.com/ (peacetv, islamchannel, hudatv)
3) www.hearislam.com
4) www.podislam.com/
5) www.salafiaudio.com/
6) www.islamictube.net/index.php
7) www.forsanelhaq.com/en/forumdisplay.php?f=91 (Download Huda TV programs)
8) www.peacetv-video.blogspot.com/ (Download Peace TV programs)
9) http://www.google92.com/Islam/downloadvideosofzakirnaik.html (download videos of Zakir Naik)
10) http://english.truthway.tv/ (download videos of Ahmed Deedat & Zakir Naik)
11) http://aswatalislam.net/
12) http://www.haramainrecordings.com/ (Daily downloadable recordings of Makkah & Madinah)

Islamic news

1) www.islamnewsroom.com
2) www.islamevents.com
3) www.islamicfinder.org
4) http://islamicvoice.com
5) www.iviews.com/
6) www.islamicity.com/
7) www.muslimedia.com
8) www.muslimnews.co.uk
9) www.radianceweekly.com
10) www.english.aljazeera.net
11) www.milligazette.com
12) www.indianmuslims.info
13) www.ummid.com
14) www.twocircles.net
15) www.countercurrents.org
16) www.muslimmedianetwork.com

Download books:

1) www.islambasics.com/index.php?act=lib&cat=cat&page=1
2) www.islamhouse.com/pg/9661/books/1 (200+ books)
3) http://ebooks.worldofislam.info/
4) www.load-islam.com/indepth.php?topic_id=ebook
5) http://islam.thetruecall.com/modules.php?name=Downloads
6) http://kalamullah.com/books.html
7) http://www.aboutjihad.com/extras/books/index.php
8) http://www.islamcan.com/islamic-books-multi-language.shtml (multiple languages:Chinese, Danish, Hungarian,Korean, Japanese,Tagalo)
9) http://www.archive.org/details/fldbeefldbee
12)http://store.dar-us-salam.com/ (highly recommended)
13)https://www.shareislam.com/order/ (good one)
14) www.Muhammadilibrary.com (URDU)

Islamic Flash Presentation:

www.whatsislam.com/ (fantastic PowerPoint presentation with audio)
www.quran-miracle.com/IntroPages/English/FlowdiagramsEng.htm (flow charts)
***Women Special***

 ****Kids Corner***

1) www.islam4kids.com/i4k/
2) www.one4kids.net/ or http://1islamkids.net/
3) www.1islam.net/shop/categories.asp?cID=128
4) www.simplyislam.com/products/kids-corner/Islamic-History
5) www.truthsforkids.com
6) www.for-children.com

 Learn Arabic

1) www.arabicinenglish.com
2) www.allahsquran.com/learn/
3) http://www.emuslim.com/Quran/Lughat.asp
 ***Search Engines***

1) www.searchforislam.com
2) www.islamicinterlink.com
3) www.linkstoislam.com
4) www.imhalal.com
5) www.alwahy.org

Islamic news :

1) www.islamnewsroom.com
2) www.islamevents.com
3) www.islamicfinder.org
4) http://islamicvoice.com/
5) www.iviews.com/
6) www.islamicity.com/
7) www.muslimedia.com
8) www.muslimnews.co.uk
9) www.radianceweekly.com
10) www.english.aljazeera.net
11) www.milligazette.com
12) www.indianmuslims.info
13) www.ummid.com
14) www.twocircles.net
15) www.countercurrents.org
16) www.muslimmedianetwork.com
17) www.isesco.org.ma/
18) http://theunjustmedia.com/
19) www.muslimheritage.com/
20) www.meccho.com/

Evolution/ Darwin

1) The Miracle of Flight and Colour www.miracleoflightandcolour.com
2) The Miracle in the Spider www.miracleinthespider.com
3) The Miracle of the Honeybee www.miracleofthehoneybee.com
4) The Miracle of the Blood and Heart www.miracleofthebloodandheart.com
5) For Man Understanding www.formanunderstanding.com
6) The Miracle in the Mosquito www.miracleinthemosquito.com
7) The Miracle in the Seed www.miracleintheseed.com
8) The Miracle of the Enzyme www.miracleoftheenzyme.com
9) Oldest Mushroom www.oldestmushroom.com
10) Darwinist Corruption in the Arab World www.darwinistcorruptioninthearabworld.com
11) Human is a Miracle www.humanisamiracle.com
12) Cambrian and Darwin www.cambriananddarwin.com
13) The Religion of Darwinism www.thereligionofdarwinism.com
.14) Darwinist Dictators www.darwinistdictators.com
15) 200th Anniversary of Darwinism's Collapse www.200thanniversaryofdarwinismscollapse.com
16) Darwinist Dictatorship www.darwinistdictatorship.com
17) Burmese Ambers www.burmeseambers.com
18) Dominican Ambers www.dominicanambers.com
19) Bird Fossils www.bird-fossils.com
20) Reptile Fossils www.reptile-fossils.com
21) The Collapse of Atheism www.collapseofatheism.com
22) Baltic Ambers www.baltic-ambers.com
23) Cries of Darwinism www.criesofdarwinism.com
24) Comments on Atlas of Creation www.commentsonatlasofcreation.com
25) The Skulls that Demolish Darwin www.skullsdemolishdarwinism.com
26) Darwinism's Social Weapon www.darwinismssocialweapon.com
27) Confessions of the Evolutionists www.confessionsofevolutionists.com
28) Darwinist Panic www.darwinistpanic.com
29) Reply to Dawkins www.replytodawkins.com
30) Darwinist Panic in France www.panicinfrance.com
31) Darwinism in Ruins www.darwinisminruins.com
32) The Cult of Evolution www.thecultofevolution.com
33) Darwin's Lost Cause www.darwinslostcause.com
34) Dark Side of Darwinism www.darksideofdarwinism.com
35) Evolution is not Scientific www.evolutionisnotscientific.com

36) What Darwin Did Not Know? www.whatdarwindidnotknow.com
37) Evolution Tale www.evolutiontale.com
38) Religion of Darwinism www.religionofdarwinism.com
39) Darwinist Dishonesty www.darwinistdishonesty.com
.40) Darwinists in a Pinch www.darwinistsinapinch.com
41) Ambers Deny Darwin www.ambersdenydarwin.com
42) Atlas of Creation www.atlasofcreation.com
43) Fossil – Museum www.fossil-museum.com
44) Grieving Darwinists www.grievingdarwinists.com
45) Darwinists Defeated www.darwinistsdefeated.com
46) Darwinism is So 19th Century www.darwinismisso19thcentury.com
47) Darwinists in Pain www.darwinistsinpain.com
48) Darwinists in Mourning www.darwinistsinmourning.com
49) Darwinists Ask Us www.darwinistsaskus.com
50) Quran Denies Darwinism www.qurandeniesdarwinism.com
51) Famous Darwinist Deceptions www.famousdarwinistdeceptions.com
52) Darwinism: the Greatest Lie in History www.darwinismthegreatestlieinhistory.com
53) Beware of Darwinist Falsehoods www.bewareofdarwinistfalsehoods.com
.54) Why Darwin Was Wrong?www.whydarwinwaswrong.com
55) Details of Darwinist Forgeries www.detailsofdarwinistforgeries.com
56) Darwinists Never Realize www.darwinistsneverrealize.com
.57) Ask Darwinists www.askdarwinists.com
58) National Academy of Sciences Refuted www.nationalacademyofsciencesrefuted.com
59) Living – Fossils www.living-fossils.com
60) BBC Refuted www.bbcrefuted.com
61) Evolution Documentary www.evolutiondocumentary.com
62) Signs of Creation www.signsofcreation.com
63) Evidences of Creation www.evidencesofcreation.com
64) Evolution Deceit www.evolutiondeceit.com
65) End of Times www.endoftimes.net
66) Darwinism – Watch www.darwinism-watch.com
67) Darwinism Refuted www.darwinismrefuted.com
68) Creation of Universe www.creationofuniverse.com
69) Creation of Man www.creationofman.net

Miscellaneous :

1) www.qiblalocator.com/
2) www.jamattimes.com/jttv.jsp (Salat timings of Mosques)
3) http://isbinformation.com/ (Islamic share bazaar, Arshad Madani, Hyd)
4) www.healthymuslim.com/ (Food related)
5)https://www.donateforislam.com/ (Donate for spread of Islam)
6) SA's Official Live Webcam of the Kaaba: http://live.gph.gov.sa/index.cfm
7)Useful in preparation for their journey to Kaaba. Others may simply find it educational, and informative.

There are no copy rights :p u can share with any 1 u know....share on ur profiles by clicking the SHARE option from here..

JazakAllah kher

Video (FREE):
www.islamictube.net (excellent, mash’Allah!)
http://thedeenshow.com/show.php (insh’Allah check it out!)
http://tubeislam.com/ (Formally youtubeislam by Yusuf Estes. Many Various Islamic videos.)
http://www.isyoutube.com/index.php (a large selection of Islamic videos)
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=khalifahklothing (very good full length lectures from various scholars. I especially like this one because new videos are uploaded very frequently.)
http://www.aswatalislam.net/ (Video, live streaming tv (in both english and arabic), islamic articles, and many audio lectures to choose from)
http://www.halaltube.com/ (islamic audio and video, very well organized! Mash’Allah)
www.muslimvideo.com(you have the option of watching live islamic tv or watching/uploading videos Be sure to check out the group Sunnahfollowers.Net)
www.muxlim.com (Be sure to check out Sunnahfollowers Channel!)
http://www.nasheedtube.com/ (nasheeds9ik]=’

Free Islamic TV Streaming Online:
Huda TV (English):
ShareIslamTV, PeaceTV, Huda, Taraweeh, and Islam Channel (Click on the red drop down menu to choose a channel)
Free Islamic Classes and lectures online:
www.sunnahfollowers.net (offers a 2 week guarantee join for 2 weeks consistantly and your iman should grow. Also offers live classes held everyday. Some of the speakers are:  Sister Laila Nasheeba,  Shaykh Mustapha Morsey,Shaykh Ibrahim Dremali, Shaykh Hasan Khalil, Brother Muhammad Shameem, and the list is ever growing!  Plus, they play benefitial lectures and videos from various scholars and speakers between class times. So, the rememberance of Allah is always ongoing! I can personally attest to the benefit of this site. As you can see, I can’t say enough about it. I highly recommend it!)
www.chatislam.com (offers several classes).
Islamic Audio (some of these sites also contain Islamic articles and videos) ALL ARE FREE:
www.dremali.com (articles and lectures given by Shaykh Ibrahim Dremali)
http://www.ibadarrahman.org/ (contains audio from khutbahs and lectures given at Jamaat Ibad Ar Rahman Masjid in Durham, NC by the imam and others)
http://www.islamactive.net/ (contains articles, video, and audio from various scholars and lecturers)
http://www.audioislam.com/?whatsnew (alot of audio files from various speakers and scholars)
http://www.islaam.com/Lectures.aspx (audio lectures and islamic articles by various scholars and lecturers)
http://nadeem.lightuponlight.com/ (free downloads of lectures,videos, nasheeds, screensavers, islamic ebooks, etc)
http://www.aswatalislam.net/  (I put this in the video category but I’m also going to put it here because this site contains a large selection of audio (lectures, nasheeds, Quran, and misc)
Qur’an Online (FREE):
Ebooks and Articles(FREE):
http://www.islamworld.net/ (tafsir, Qur’an, hadiths, ebooks, articles, for non muslims, new muslims, and old muslims, very good site!)
http://www.soundvision.com/info/ (articles and islamic online store)
http://www.alminbar.com/ (khutbahs)
For the Kids (FREE):
Some Other Sites:
http://www.sultan.org/ (great list of islamic resources and sites)
www.islamhouse.com (very good site with Audio, video, books, and articles in over 70 different languages).
www.whyislam.org  (very good daw’ah site with well written articles and free pamphlets and Qur’ans)
http://www.survivorsareus.com/ (Full of great info, mash’Allah!)
http://www.life-islam.blogspot.com/ (articles written by an American convert to Islam now living in Saudi, very insightful, motivational, and educational, must read!)
www.islamweb.net (In English, Arabic or French. Contains audio and articles and current events. Also has a really nice kids section)
Some Favorite Islamic Shopping Sites:
http://www.desertstore.com/ (very nice clothing for men, women, and children as well as a selection of other things. Very fashionable quality clothing that still covers properly.  Pretty decent shipping prices…Ships from Saudi)
http://www.alhediya.com/ (great islamic apparel from Kuwait but ships worldwide! I’m soooo sad that it is going out of business but they’re having a HUGE SALE! so stock up!)
http://www.al-ikhlas.com/ (nice selection of hijabs, abayas/sets, salwar kameez, tunics, caftans, and more. Ships from US, very good prices.
http://www.al-muminat.com (islamic clothing for women)
http://www.quickbizsites.com/desertboutique ( Also located in Kuwait but ships worldwide! islamic clothing, accessories, home decor, jewelry, audio, and  more)
http://www.dar-us-salam.com/ (great prices on books, audio, etc)
http://www.astrolabe.com/ (large US based online Islamic store offering, audio, games, videos)
Hmmm……this is all that I can think of for now. Insh’Allah I will update as I discover new sites. Feel free to email me your own favorite sites if you would like to have them added.
May Allah accept our efforts, forgive us our sins, and make these links be of benefit to many. ameen!
**”I have never had any problem with any of these sites. However, use these sites at your own discretion. I am in no way responsible for anything that occurs at these sites. I do not necessarily agree with the content on external sites. I do not own any of them and all rights are reserved to the proper owners.**

  1. Fake American Quran
  2. http://www.islam-exposed.org/
  3. http://www.answering-islam.org/
  4. http://www.convertstoislam.org/
  5. http://www.thequran.com/
  6. http://www.aboutislam.com/
  7. http://www.allahassurance.com/
Anti-Islamic sites :
Below List Added On  : 14-05-2009

Added & Updated on 24-July-2009


  1. this is really a great article. thanks for sharing

    1. It is very usefull Bangla islamic hadith site for knowing something about islamic history.
